"Mat LU-Alert gesäis du et kommen”: Roll-out of the new public warning and information system "LU-Alert”

The Minister for Home Affairs, Léon Gloden, launched the new public warning and information system for the population "LU-Alert” during a press conference on Thursday, October 17th.

I am pleased to be able to announce that my departments and those of the Government IT Centre (CTIE) have been able to complete the work for the implementation of the public warning and information system within the timeframe that we set ourselves at the start of my term of office”, announced Léon Gloden at the press conference. "The new "LU-Alert” system is based on performance, speed and interconnection to ensure that the population is properly warned so that it can react appropriately.

The new national warning and information system is an efficient, multi-channel and modern system, equipped with new accessible technologies, including Cell broadcast and location-based SMS. For the implementation of the system and these new alert channels, a close collaboration has taken place over the last few years between, on the one hand, the various public authorities [1], which need to trigger alert and information messages because of their respective missions, on the other hand, between these and the Luxembourgish mobile network operators [2].

In addition to the above-mentioned technologies, a new mobile application "LU-Alert” has been developed, that will replace the "GouvAlert” application which was launched in 2018. The mobile application "LU-Alert” can be downloaded, free of charge, from the Apple App Store and the Google Play Store.

The mobile application will enable users to follow all the alerts and information issued by the public authorities via the "LU-Alert” system. It will also allow users to customize the use of it according to their preferences and needs. Indeed, users will be able to choose the categories and levels of alert they wish to be warned or informed about, or to define places of interest. Minister Léon Gloden was pleased: "The "LU-Alert” application is comprehensive and more advanced technologically. Not only does it allow users to choose the type of information or alerts they wish to receive, but it also provides easy access to safety guidelines for specific events”.

"LU-Alert” also includes a new website, www.lu-alert.lu, where all the alert and information messages sent from the "LU-Alert” system can be viewed. The website will also allow the population to verify the authenticity of messages received from the "LU-Alert” sender, in order to assure them that the message sent isn't a fraudulent message.

The new "LU-Alert” system has a central core, an electronic platform, which will be used by all public authorities involved in the project. Because the platform is linked to the above-mentioned alert channels and is going to be linked to other channels in the future, it will ensure that the use of the system and the transmitted messages will be much more harmonized and consistent among the concerned authorities. Léon Gloden said that thanks to this, the alert and information messages sent will become clearer and more understandable: "It is vital that those alerted understand the messages transmitted and that they have confidence in the sender”. He added that this is an important step in raising people's awareness of their own capacity to become more resilient.

The roll-out of the new public warning and information system will be accompanied by a test week, from October 17 to 25, 2024, to verify the system's technical functionality in real conditions. The test messages will be clearly identified as such: "As these are test alerts, you do not need to act in any particular way”, emphasized the Minister. The monthly tests will be maintained. Indeed, the success of a technical innovation depends on regular testing, not only to ensure that it works, but also to ensure that a product evolves how it should.

Léon Gloden concluded the press conference by thanking all the stakeholders for their collaboration and commitment in defining and developing a comprehensive, top-of-the-range public warning and information system.

Find out more at www.lu-alert.lu.


[1] Water management agency (AGE), Luxembourg Veterinary and Food Administration (ALVA), Luxembourg Fire and Rescue Corps (CGDIS), High Commission for National Protection (HCPN), Meteorological department of the Air Navigation Administration (MeteoLux), Ministry of Foreign and European Affairs, Defence, Development Cooperation and Foreign Trade, Luxembourgish Police.

[2] Orange Communications Luxembourg S.A., POST Luxembourg et Proximus Luxembourg S.A.

Press release by the Ministry of Home Affairs