The governmental declaration has set out specific objectives for each of the departments within the Ministry of Mobility and Public Works.
The priority activities that were thereby established in the fields of transport and public works, are presented as follows:
The range of competence of the ministry is fixed by the Government regulation.
New in 2025
Several new legal and regulatory provisions directly impacting citizens will come into force in 2025. Below is an overview of the main changes. Please note that this list is not exhaustive.
Annual Report 2023
We are delighted to present the Annual Report for 2023, highlighting another significant chapter in the growth and progress of our administration. This report aims to provide more than just data and metrics; it captures the key milestones and...
The Ministry on X
Luxmobil 2025: Si vous recevez un appel d'@_ILRES , participez et contribuez à la planification de la mobilité de demain. 🚋 🚌 🚗 🚴♀️ 🚶♂️ 🔗 En savoir plus : @Yuriko_Backes
A lire. L’interview de la ministre @Yuriko_Backes dans la revue du @medef portant sur la mobilité au Luxembourg et les besoins spécifiques des frontalier*ères franco-luxembourgeois*es. 🇫🇷 🇱🇺 👉 :
Zesumme mat de Membere vun der Mobilitéitskommissioun, war d’Ministesch @Yuriko_Backes haut op Besuch bei @luxairport ✈️. Et war eng flott Geleeënheet fir sech e Bild vun der ënnerierdescher Gare um Findel, dem neie Skypark 🏙️ an dem Kontrollsystem ze maachen.
Bei der Visitt vun der Societé nationale de contrôle technique, konnt d’Ministesch @Yuriko_Backes sech mat de MataarbechterInnen iwwert : hir deeglech Aarbecht am techneschen an administrative Beräich auszetauschen. @gouv_lu
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